We’ve made it to five, love! Can you believe it? Through squabbles And making up; Laughter and tears; Crazy splurging on Amazon (!) And finally learning How much food to cook For a guy (!!); It’s been an Awesome five, darling! Though this year I haven’t got you a gift; A tiny, sometimes squalling, Wee human keeps me a bit tied up, you see! Here is a little something, To keep you going, just the same. Five little word gifts, Just for you! Love bears all things* : Cause you’ve learnt to bear Living with me (Letting me into every box!) And we’ll bear Being away from each other too! It’s not forever, Thankfully! Love believes all things* : I’ve seen you become My protector And provider, My strength And my support; A man I respect, Trust, Dearly love And admire – my husband! I believe you’ll be The awesomest dad For our little CP too! Love hopes all things* : I hope our love Will keep growing ...