

After all these years, its time to say goodbye. Inkhorn is moving to a new space - Look me up there! Happy reading. Photo by  Rob Potter  on  Unsplash

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An Arranged Love Marriage

**This post first appeared on Indiaanya ** Have you ever been asked this question, “Did you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage?” When I was asked this the first time, it stumped me for a bit because I couldn't classify my marriage under either! When I was twenty-four my parents and I moved to Chennai. This was the first time I had lived in the land of my origins. Having spoken only English and Hindi all my life, hearing Tamil all around me was a bit of a shocker. To add to all the confusion, since I was at the “ideal marriageable age” my parents started getting questioned by relatives and friends, “So when are you getting your daughter married?” or “Twenty-four? That's old. You should do something soon otherwise she won't find anyone,” or “What criteria are you looking for? Nadar?” That was when I realised that being from a particular community and caste meant a lot, even to Christians. The most provoking question, though, had to be, “How much gold are you ...

Getting Back Into the Groove...

Its been a fairly longish break since my last post and though I've been doing some hasn't been put up here. But, having the urge to do more writing that before, I'm back, so to speak. And this platform shall be my sounding board. Here's to more musings...and more thinking...and more writing...

On Taking Heart...

What a year 2015 is turning out to be! The CP is turning one, MD is facing slander and office politics on a personal level and on the home front – yikes! What a gargantuan mess! I'm not even asking “why” any more. Just – Lord, what good is this going to bring? I mean, apart from the CP turning one, which is grand! The future looks like there's only more hurt and heartache in store. I know He has a plan. I honestly don't see it, but I'm believing it. I know in this world we will have troubles. So right now I'm praying for strength in the face of pain, love in the face of injustice and hope in the face of bleakness. I'm taking heart for He has overcome the world.* *John 16:33

High Five, Dear Heart!

We’ve made it to five, love! Can you believe it? Through squabbles And making up; Laughter and tears; Crazy splurging on Amazon (!) And finally learning How much food to cook For a guy (!!); It’s been an Awesome five, darling! Though this year I haven’t got you a gift; A tiny, sometimes squalling, Wee human keeps me a bit tied up, you see! Here is a little something, To keep you going, just the same. Five little word gifts, Just for you! Love bears all things* : Cause you’ve learnt to bear Living with me (Letting me into every box!) And we’ll bear Being away from each other too! It’s not forever, Thankfully! Love believes all things* : I’ve seen you become My protector And provider, My strength And my support; A man I respect, Trust, Dearly love And admire – my husband! I believe you’ll be The awesomest dad For our little CP too! Love hopes all things* : I hope our love Will keep growing ...

Where Are You Lord?

How can I pray while my heart cries, “You killed my son”? What can I say? How look for comfort from the One Who willed it done? Omnipotent, He could have stopped it if He would; my son... my son... numb with grief, my soul is one vast “why?” his life was all too brief; he was so young to die. Where were You, Lord? Where were You? Gently He replied, “Just where I was dearly, dearly loved, when Mine was crucified.” -           Ruth Bell Graham