
Showing posts from November, 2007

On Whys And Wherefores…

“God’s ways seem dark, But soon or late, They touch the shining Hills of day.” - J. G. Whittier Why? Why do certain things happen? Why is there so much injustice in this world? Why does tragedy hit some families, while others seem to have more than their share of good things? At different points in my life I have faced situations, wherein my trust in God’s unfailing justice, was shaken. One time, I remember feeling pain and a sort of blank amazement, as blow upon blow, fell. I couldn’t comprehend why God would allow such things to happen. His reply to my incoherent query was, “…do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength…be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved…” * At other times, I compared my life to others and asked Him, why. His response was similar to Aslan’s – “It is not your story to know.” I do not claim that I have understood His ways. One thing, however, I do know – I lay my “whys” Before Your Cross In worship kneeling, My mind too numb

On Pottery…

A while back, I was looking at pictures of a potter making clay jars. The entire jar-making process is truly fascinating - the way a lump of clay is spun around on a crazily, careening wheel till it transforms into a beautifully shaped pot. Several times, the clay would be half-shaped, and then suddenly collapse, unable to bear the pressure. But faithfully the potter would gently prod and push till it was able to stand up again. One thing that struck me was that the wheel never stops spinning until the jar is completely ready to be used. And, the most important fact, the potter’s hands never leave the clay. My life seems like that – spinning out of control, with me, falling down painfully and learning lessons the hard way, unable to bear the load. But it is, especially, in times like these, that my Potter’s hands are always around me. And He will never leave me. Jeremiah 18: 6 “…says the Lord ‘Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand’…”

On Going Home…

A missionary and his wife were returning after nearly 50 years on the mission field. They had toiled and lived – far away from all they held dear, away from the basic conveniences of life – in a place where every day brought new challenges and a hand-to-mouth existence, shadowed by the knowledge that that could be their last day on earth. But God had been faithful throughout those years and they had never had any cause to complain. They had witnessed miracles and seen lives transformed. They were now returning with the quiet assurance that God had used them for the furtherance of His kingdom. As the ship approached the docks, people on board began lining themselves up on the decks, eagerly waiting to catch their first glimpse of land and beloved faces. The old missionary and his wife were also there – they were, after all, coming back after 50 years! As the ship drew close, they noticed huge banners and hoardings festooning the pier. Most of them had the same message – “WELCOME B

On Rocks And Foundations…

Ever wonder why Jesus applauded the man who built his house on the rock? (Yeah because it didn’t collapse like the other sandy one!) Bear with me as I muddle my way through this thought… One thing that Jesus doesn’t seem to question, is the appalling number of natural disasters that hit the poor man’s house! “…the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house…” A telling statement that. As a Christian the one thing we can confidently expect is “trials and tribulation”! Daunting and a tad depressing. But the rest of that verse is the end of the matter, so to speak. “…(the) house…did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

On Waiting...

Isaiah 25:9 “Behold this is our God; We have waited for Him and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” Waiting is a part of every Christian’s life. The knowledge that at the end of the wait there is redemption, and hope in that redemption, is what gives us the grace to wait. The verse goes a step further and says that we will rejoice and be glad in the midst of waiting – not just at the end of the wait. Isaiah 30:12 “You despise this word and trust in oppression and perversity and rely on them.” The evidence of problems and hardship seem to be more true and real than the Word. The Word says that God blesses those who trust in Him and wait for Him. But that seems to last forever - the waiting I mean - and nothing seems to happen. On the other hand when things go wrong, those circumstances seem more real than God’s promises. Isaiah 30:15,16 “In returning and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and confidence sh

In A Letter To Andrew…

Hi Andrew, I’ve been learning the lesson of faith these past couple of days. I’ll just put down all that I’ve learnt and what has hit me anew… Faith is different from belief. Faith is an action. Jesus says in Matthew that when we have faith as small as a mustard seed, it can move mountains. Faith doesn’t automatically come to us when we accept Jesus into our lives. We have to take the action of planting our faith (seed) and then it grows. Faith cannot be big enough to move a mountain at the seed stage; but when it grows into a tree, it can move anything. So faith has to be nurtured and grown. Which basically means that I should take it one step at a time. Not try to have faith for really big, seemingly impossible problems, immediately. But have faith in the small things, and eventually I will have faith for the big things. God doesn’t expect me to have full-grown tree-sized faith instantly. The story of the Roman centurion, who had faith in Jesus’ power to heal his servant, taugh

On Cloak And Dagger Missions…

So what does a spy do? To my (frankly Alistair-Maclean-James-Bond-ish) knowledge, a spy is a person who gathers facts and useful information regarding an enemy and reports it to his superiors. So going by that, the spies Moses sent, did a pretty good job. They were asked to gather specifics – which they did. In truth, they went a step further and brought along some fruity proof as well! Speaks a lot for their initiative. Listen to their report – “…the land…truly flows with milk and honey…the people are strong; the cities are fortified and very large…the Amalekites dwell in the…South; the Hittites, the Jebusites and the Amorites dwell in the mountains; and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and along the banks of the Jordan.” Top marks on the spying job wouldn’t you say? They had their facts straight and were logical, reasonable and rational. However, Caleb’s impassioned appeal to go up at once and take possession of the land was met with a lukewarm response. Logic and cold, hard reas