On Waiting…Again…

I waited for you beside the waters
But you did not come.
And as I gazed at my reflection,
I saw the quiet surface,
Ripple and furl.
Sunlight that had danced his way
Through the billows,
Now hid himself,
Shying away from what the waters showed – me!

The still waters turned choppy
And I, lone and cold,
Waited for you
But you did not come.

I ranted and raved,
And ordered Him to tell you to come.
I was waiting after all.
Was it so unfair what I asked?

In the silence,
And the cold,
With only the North wind for company,
I finally knelt,
Too spent to weep,
And gave Him what I’d been holding
Tightly to my heart – you.

The wind died and
The waters stilled.
And I saw my watery visage again.
The sunlight deigned to grace me
With his presence,
This time!

It dawned on me
I had been placing the wrong order.
He was leading me to you
Not the other way round!

So I have begun to walk.
Along the green pastures,
And beside the still waters;
Sometimes dark valleys too.
Each moment,
A preparation,
Until the day I’m ready
To meet you.

I don’t know you…yet
But I know Him.
So I wait…eagerly.

- R. D.


roshynphina said…
this was beautiful! I have no words! Keep writing! Ah, can I share this with another friend of mine please?
Anonymous said…
woww!! Its beautiful ruth! hats off to you.
Sarah said…

I haven't read somethin so beautiful in the recent past! Great post!!!

Huug...(im doin a lil jig also..hehe)
Angela said…
This is beautiful!

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