On Doubt…

When the Promised Land is in sight and things seem to be progressing towards a natural conclusion, that’s when you’re pulled up in your tracks and life hands you a set of incomprehensibly, painful situations. As confusion and doubt war in my mind, I find that nothing is secure. All I believed was solid and unshakeable, has come crashing down like a house of cards. And all I can do is fall before my Maker and cry, “Help!” And through the pain and fear, I feel a peace descend; and I realise that there is something that is unchangeable, something strong and concrete – Jesus.

I remember His words and promises and it is like a burden is lifted off my shoulders. Light breaks through the darkness and I feel a calm assurance flood my soul as I hear His voice, “My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.” *

I remembered the Israelites and how they turned their back on the Promised Land when they saw the problems and faced their own weaknesses. I am at that point and I have two options – turn back or move forward.

So once again I look to my God and seek His guidance as I step forward – boldly, fearlessly because though I am weak, my Father is strong and He is going to take me through. The journey may be painful and there may be hard lessons to learn, but the Promised Land is in sight and that keeps me going.

* Haggai 2:5


roshynphina said…
:'( *sniff sniff*

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