On Epiphanies…

Fear and Worry – that two-headed monster that rears its ghastly head periodically – was at it again. It’s sibling, Doubt, flit in as well, to add to the party! And as frustrating as it was for me to wage this never-ending battle to subdue them, I wondered how frustrating it must be for God to watch me! Here I was – well-fed, well-dressed and well-read – with a loving family and friends. Yet, even in all that I usually managed to unearth some issue to worry myself silly about. (I think I have a special gift!)

So, as Faith took a beating, I tottered and wondered, “I know I should trust God. Rejoice and praise Him for every situation. But the future seems so scary sometimes!”

And then I had an epiphany!

I realised I was back on the wheelbarrow! I don’t think I ever got off, in the first place! And my Father gently reminded me (oh the patience He has with me!)

“The Lord…has sworn, saying, “Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand.” *

“It shall stand” – wow! What He had planned and purposed for me, could never be shaken or turned away. He was completely in control. My life may seem to be all over the place, but in actuality, it was firmly resting in His capable Hands. I just needed to believe that. As a writer says, “Worry is a form of atheism…”

And as I thought about it a little more, I realised the amount of time I had wasted thinking about myself, could have been put to much better use! Selfishness blinds one so!

So here I am, letting go of “me” and looking to Him to fulfil me.

“Neither go back in fear and misgiving to the past, nor in anxiety and forecasting to the future; but lie quiet under His hand, having no will but His.”
- Henry Manning

* Isaiah 14: 24


what happened? what were you scared and worried about?
Fear and anxiety are some of the weapons Satan uses to destroy our faith.... nice blog

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