On Thinking Right…

There are times when I know what I’m thinking is wrong. My mind turns into a playground for all and sundry to walk in; one thought leads to another and I find myself spiralling downward into a hell of my very own making. It’s frustrating and painful to say nothing of being highly unnecessary!

I hated being reduced to a mass of nerves and questions, tossed from end to end. So I went back to the Word – the only sound foundation – and found Paul unequivocally say, “…bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” *

As someone so succinctly put it – thoughts engender emotions which in turn stimulate actions. Reality check! The mess in my head would eventually lead to a blinding catastrophe in my life if I didn’t get my act together!

Obeying Christ involves believing and trusting in Him and His Word. So obviously my thoughts of doubt, fear, hopelessness – the very lack of joy – were glaring disobedience! Duh! And each time I chose to dwell on them (most of them well-tailored lies from our friend from the netherworld!), I was kicking God’s love for me in His face, turning my back on Him and wallowing in negativity!

Paul also talks about “…every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” * Every time I chose to believe in some lie, I was choosing against my knowledge of God, against His nature, His goodness, His love, His promises of hope, peace and joy. In effect, placing the devil higher than God Himself! How unbelievably foolish of me! If I met Paul today, he’d make short shrift of my issues and call them a “light affliction which is but for a moment”! **

Enough said! So here’s where He gets my thinking back on track and I begin to see life in terms of the big picture.

* II Corinthians 10:5
** II Corinthians 4:17


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