On Living A Victorious Life…

A verse in Isaiah stopped me in my tracks the other day. It was fairly innocuous on the face of it, but as I stayed my mind and eyes, and looked beyond the printed words, I felt like I’d been douched with a bucket of cold water and warmed by a crackling fire, all at the same time!

I had heard recently that we are called to live a victorious life; rising above the mediocrity and commonality all around, to a glorious, abundant, fulfilling one. So I prayed very sincerely and sought His strength. But something was missing and I didn’t even know it until I stumbled across that verse.

For a moment in time, I glimpsed, or rather felt, the awesome power and majesty of God. Like a curtain being pulled aside for an instant to present a brief vision, my mind seemed to be suddenly drenched with a sense of overwhelming awe at His splendour and magnificence. And with it came a sense of power – of freedom and strength all in one. Freedom in acknowledging my complete insufficiency and finding strength in the knowledge that my God was, and is, above all!

Just three little words had the clout to fill my heart with such elation – “Your God reigns!” *

And that was when I realised what had been missing. Several things actually! The holy fear of an awesome God, the deep sense of delight and joy in acknowledging His sovereignty, which led to a calm assurance of His unfailing control, and finally, peace. Not debilitating in the least, but empowering. A peace that makes me want to shout out from the rooftop that my God reigns! Oh what joy floods my soul at the very thought. When my Father reigns as High King, can I do anything else but live a victorious life!
*Isaiah 52:7


after a long absence... :) welcome back.

as usual, an insightful post :)

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