On Uncharted Seas…

My little boat just got rocked today. Rough seas ahead, methinks. Here I was, merrily sailing along, and this squall hit me. It’s hard to trust and have faith when I’m quaking inwardly! I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a coward. Well, I knew that already, given my penchant for turning tail and running when faced with a barking canine! But I’m scared. And I feel so lonely.

Elijah must have felt the same. I mean, this man had just had the most amazing mountaintop experience – then he hit the ground with a vengeance! Frustrated at his countrymen’s tendency to sit on the fence, threatened by a psychotic, power-crazy queen, no wonder he said, enough is enough!

God’s answer was to give him a hot meal and nice long nap! There’s a thought. As someone said, “How many problems are solved by a good night’s sleep!”

But I digress. Elijah had an interesting conversation with God. He explained his position (I have been very zealous for the Lord…the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets…), his loneliness (…I alone am left…) and his fear (…they seek to take my life).

In reply, God gave him a new assignment (…anoint Hazael as king over Syria…anoint Jehu…as king over Israel…), a new recruit (…Elisha…you shall anoint as prophet in your place…) and new insight (…I have reserved seven thousand in all Israel…). Elijah wasn’t alone – though it felt that way for a long time. I’m feeling a little unsure. I guess a good night’s sleep will chase a few of these cobwebs away. But I’m hoping to hear a still, small voice.


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