On Living By Faith...

Lately, I’ve witnessed several circumstances that didn’t really make sense. It was the age-old question – “Where is God when good people suffer?” Brought home all the more clearly when someone close to you is being put through the wringer! So where was He in all the confusion, chaos and pain? Why didn’t He step in and change their situation?

Surprisingly, it was only I, on the outside, who was plagued by these questions. Those in turmoil had a deep joy and strength that was and is carrying them through. A peace that truly passes all understanding! They seemed to be having a closer walk with the Father. It was amazing that they were handling things so well, but as I looked on, I still wondered...

I knew He is a good God, but...

I knew He is faithful, but...

I knew I should trust Him, but...

And the list went on. Until He stopped my train of thought and said, “That’s where faith comes in.”

As someone so clearly declared, “Faith is not an effort, a striving, a ceaseless seeking, as so many earnest souls suppose, but rather a letting go, an abandonment, an abiding rest in God that nothing, not even the soul’s shortcomings, can disturb.”

Faith meant that I needed to stop with the “But’s” regardless of what my eyes saw, my logic reasoned or my senses stated! I had to take God at His Word!

The cheering, bracing knowledge is that He never asks us to face anything, either small or big, in our own strength! As Amy Carmichael said, “He delights to meet the faith of one who looks up to Him and says, “Lord, You know that I cannot do this – but I believe that You can!”*

* Edges Of His Ways


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