On Loving Myself…

Here’s a confession - I love my individuality, who I am, what makes me tick, what sets me apart. Simply put – I love what makes me, me!

And recently I’ve been stubbornly digging my heels in, refusing to budge from this monument of/to myself that I’ve created! (Ah change – don’t we love it!) It’s hard to give in because it feels like a betrayal of me. If dying to the self means this, then I have a long way to go and many lessons to learn.

Now that I look back I realise that my complacent sense of self was making me an insufferable little control-freak who was a pain to be around! The worst thing about having an inflated ego is that you think you’re always right and that everyone around you is conspiring to ruin your life!

Thankfully God decided I was too swollen-headed to think straight so he deflated the ‘I’ and set about restoring my sadly misguided principles. If my primary purpose, apart from worshipping Him, is to serve others, how would that be achieved if I insisted on sitting on my high horse, looking down on all who may not share the same opinions as I? Had I been placed here to pamper to my narcissistic tendencies or was not life supposed to be more fulfilling? Such soul-searching questions had the effect of a bracing tonic and a good shake!

So here’s to more of “us” and less of “me”.


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