On Nautical Allusions...

“It’s the set of the sail and not the gales that determine which way they (the sailboats) go.”*

The line grabbed my imagination today. It paints a picture of a little sailboat out on the high seas. In the vastness of the ocean, the only sure sense of direction would come from the sail being set according to course. Otherwise the boat might just end up right where it started!

Over the last few days I have been struggling with worries about the future, wrong attitudes and basically a lack of control! I’d forgotten where I was headed – the set of my sail! If I just set it to hold course according to His will, then everything would be so much simpler. I am safe, with Him. Instead, I’ve been going round and round in circles, allowing various squalls to blow me off course.

Anyway, it’s not too late; I am on a journey and its time I got back on course.

* From The Hand Of God by Alastair Begg


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