Regarding Food For Thought…

Some pieces of verse that have stirred my soul lately –

Sometimes, hard-trying, it seems I cannot pray –
For doubt, and pain, and anger, and all strife.
Yet some poor half-fledged prayer-bird from the nest
May fall, flit, fly and perch – crouch in the bowery breast
Of the large…tree of life –
Moveless there sit through all the burning day,
And on my heart at night a fresh leaf cooling lay.


Doubt swells and surges, with swelling doubt behind!
My soul in storm is but a tattered sail,
Streaming its ribbons on the torrent gale;
In calm, ‘tis but a limp and flapping thing:
Oh! Swell it with thy breath; make it a wing –
To sweep through thee the ocean, with thee the wind
Nor rest until in thee its haven it shall find.


I to myself have neither power nor worth,
Patience nor love, nor anything right good;
My soul is a poor land, plenteous in dearth –
Here blades of grass, there a small herb for food –
A nothing that would be something if it could;
But if obedience, Lord, in me do grow,
I shall one day be better than I know.


Not, Lord, because I have done well or ill;
Not that my mind looks up to thee clear-eyed;
Not that it struggles in fast cerements tied;
Not that I need thee daily sorer still;
Not that I wretched, wander from thy will;
Not now for any cause to thee I cry,
But this, that thou art thou, and here am I.


My Lord, I find that nothing else will do,
But follow where thou goest, sit at thy feet,
And where I have thee not, still run to meet.
…Thou art my life, O Christ, and nothing else will do.

- George MacDonald


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