On Taking One Step At A Time…

This past week has been quite illuminating. I’ve been looking for peace, for strength in the not-knowing, for patience. But it’s eluded me so far.

Until I asked myself - why was I so nervous and anxious? Yes, there are several life-altering changes on the line here, but digging deeper still, I asked again – why?

The answer revealed a whole lot (not unlike a can of worms!). I found that I really want to follow this particular road (harking back to my metaphor of the crossroad) for all the wrong reasons – security and the knowledge that now I would be able to hold my head high and not be bothered about what people say.

How unutterably sad!

When did other folks’ definition of a “young-married-woman”, make me ashamed/ afraid/ embarrassed to show who I was?

My identity and self-worth comes from my Father, not from the commendations of others or even myself. Knowing that His plan for my life may not fit any pre-conceived ideas, yet trusting Him to see me through because He has the best for me is difficult, but I know that what He thinks of me matters the most.

To borrow a phrase, I have “just enough light for the step I’m on”, but finally, there’s peace.


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